Frozen Run

Frozen Run

Synopsis: When a stranger arrives in a winter storm, life turns upside down for a woman trying to start a new life. With the man speaking as if he knows her, the unnerved woman sets out to figure out who he is…before it’s too late.

Starring: Brenna Norlander, Teague Fernandez, Cameron James, and Sarah Thatcher

Written, Directed, and Edited by Andrew Michael Spence

Genre: Mystery/Sci-Fi/Thriller

Runtime: 91 mins

Frozen Run
  • Frozen Run

    Synopsis: When a stranger arrives in a winter storm, life turns upside down for a woman trying to start a new life. With the man speaking as if he knows her, the unnerved woman sets out to figure out who he is…before it’s too late.

    Starring: Brenna Norlander, Teague Fernandez, Cameron James, and...